Sunday, February 3, 2013

Roma Leadership Conference - On Our Way!


Munich Airport - Traveling Mercies

After several trips connecting through the madness of Frankfurt Airport, Munich was a calm, easy oasis on the way to Belgrade and eventually Prokuplje.

Onboard the final flight, a white bread sandwich. Really, really white bread!

Met at the airport by Rodja, we met with Samuil and then Saska. always new possibilities with Samuil, and talk of media outreach with Saska. catching up, planning, sharing blessings and what God is teaching us - just close, sweet fellowship with my brother Rodja on the drive south. And finally, arrival at Marijan and Slavica's, and the heavenly smell of roasted peppers. So delicious! 

A phone call, excitement, arrival - some of my dear ones, with new friends to meet! Pera, Stefan, and David arrive with friends they have brought into our fellowship. We had a wonderful time of hugs, laughter, sharing, and yes, singing! By request, my favorite, "Devla bičal to duho akana." My heart is full, being with these precious ones.


There is the promise of a full day on Sunday. Now, to try to catch a few more minutes of sleep and help this body acclimate to Serbia time. 

1 comment:

  1. It is just so amazing to see their home and the "boys" and their disciples - amazing demonstration on what we are all to do! Plus, I want some peppers and MEAT!
